
John Edwards: "I Am a Have"

Perhaps John Edwards needs to work on his talking points?

LAUER: Another subject. There is a bit of a growing pr problem in your campaign. The idea of 2 americas: the haves and the have-nots and a candidate who this is a very. Who has multi-million dollars residences, received a $40,000 payment for a public university for sharing ideas on poverty and the hair cut. How will you change this perception you are not just a rich guy talking about poverty?

SEN. EDWARDS: I am a have. It's not where i come from but i have been lucky and i am have a have now. If you look at what i spent my life doing since the last election, i helped raise the minimum wage in 6 states and organized workers in unions across the country and started a college program for kids who could not go to college. I have been all over the world doing humanitarian work.

LAUER: You can relate?

SEN. EDWARDS: I don't think there is any doubt about. That the american people will judge me as a human being. Whether i have the characteristics to be the president of the united states and one of the specific things i want to do on the war in iraq makes sense to them.

H/T: Favazza & Carpenter

In other news, Bob Shrum's new book paints an unflattering portrait of Edwards.

Update:  A tale of two conventions:  This is his idea of fun, and this is mine.