
Their Solution: A 4 Day Work Week

As if Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team didn't get enough time off with their August recess, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) is advocating a four-day work week to help federal employees who are struggling with high gasoline costs.

Hoyer’s proposal may help his constituents – his district is largely Washington, D.C. suburbs home to many federal employees – but it does nothing for Minnesotans and Americans all over the nation.  While I'm not knocking the benefits of increased conservation, this gimmick isn't necessary when there are real legislative solutions like the American Energy Act that not only promotes conservation, but also focuses on lowering energy prices by increasing safe, domestic energy production and by encouraging the development of alternative and renewable energy sources and technologies. 

We need a real solution to this energy crisis for all Americans, not just a band-aid for some.