
Palin Calls Pelosi a 'Dingbat'

I know it's the 4th of July and we can all come together and celebrate America, but if you missed Sarah Palin's rebuttal to Nancy Pelosi last week, you missed a very obviously frustrated Palin talking about the Supreme Court decision to uphold ObamaCare.

She also weighed in on Fast and Furious and said she thinks the Obama administration is the least transparent in America's history, while chastising the representatives who walked out on--as she expresses it-- Brian Terry's family (the border agent killed in the Fast and Furious scandal) during the vote to hold the attorney general in contempt.

Sugarcoating has never been Palin's style, which is why, I think, so many people relate to her. If you're a Palin fan, you're going to enjoy this video where she makes several of the points detailed above to Sean Hannity: