
College Administrators Finally Allow 9/11 Memorials on Campus

Across the nation, more than 260 colleges and high schools are participating in Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11 Never Forget Project. The foundation unveiled their plan in 2003 when it became painfully clear that many schools and colleges in the United States were doing little to honor the victims killed on September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, at some liberal institutions, college administrators fought vehemently against properly commemorating these individuals before finally relenting. Here are some of the most odious examples:


At the University of Virginia School of Law, the administration completely refused to allow students to set up a flag memorial—with one flag for each of the 2,977 people killed on 9/11—anywhere on campus because the memorial was “not directly related to legal education.” Less than a week before the event, the dean reversed course and granted permission to hold the memorial in an inner courtyard on campus rather than on the front lawn, but refused to allow the students to leave the flags during classes on Monday, September 12.

Without reason, Marietta College originally denied students’ request for a candlelight vigil. Under pressure, the administrators ended up allowing a flag memorial, but with one major caveat: the memorial must include flags of the other countries from which citizens died during the attacks.

UCLA ejected allowing a flag memorial at a central part of campus because, “if groups were allowed to do so, it would indeed cause damage to the campus as well as create some hazards for students and the public.” After some pressure, UCLA will allow students to display the memorial at another location.


On September 11, 2001, a faceless and malicious enemy purposefully attacked the United States and killed nearly 3,000 innocent Americans. This Sunday, as a nation, we will reflect on the lives lost and remember the families who were affected by the tragedy. As we prepare for this upcoming weekend, however, it is absolutely astounding to read that institutions of higher learning – colleges and universities that ostensibly espouse freedom, liberty, and patriotism – would fervently oppose memorializing the innocents murdered on 9/11.

The commemoration of 9/11 is not a time for petty grievances. It is a time to come together as a nation to mourn and remember all of those who suffered and continue to suffer today. And thanks to the hard work of the 9/11 Never Forget Project, many students now can.