
Romney Avoiding Complacency in New Hampshire

As I wrote earlier today, Mitt Romney is currently sittin' pretty in the polls in New Hampshire, and right now it seems that he will win by a hefty margin--but, especially with tonight's debate coming up, he's being careful about getting lulled into a false sense of security.

Mitt Romney, just days away from an expected comfortable victory in New Hampshire, warned his supporters Saturday not to get complacent — because a knockout win could be in reach.

“Don't get too confident with those polls,” he cautioned at a breakfast rally in a fieldhouse at Pinkerton Academy. “I’ve watched polls come and go. Things change — it's very fluid.”

The long-time GOP frontrunner is on a roll going into the first primary state. Coming off a better-than-expected squeaker win in Iowa and a bullish new poll in South Carolina, his handlers are concerned that hubris could set in.

So as Romney prepares for a critical debate in Manchester Saturday night, he warned his boosters to press harder at getting out his vote.

Romney imported South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who endorsed him several weeks ago, to urge the local Yankees to give him a heftier margin to boost his chances in her Palmetto State.

“We don’t just need a win in New Hampshire, we need a landslide,” Haley exhorted. “You take care of him here in New Hampshire, I’ll take care of him in South Carolina, and let him take care of us when he gets to the White House.”

Bringing in the the big  guns (a.k.a., the ever-popular Nikki Haley) is a smart move--if Romney does get the nomination, I personally am hoping that she'll be his running mate!