
Begich Good on ANWR

Democrat freshman Sen. Mark Begich sounds a lot like his predecessor on ANWR. Unlike his other Democratic, and independent colleagues, Begich is a strong advocate for energy development in his state, just like Stevens. (Minus, hopefully, any VECO connections or scandals.)

Begich issued this press release taking Independent Sen. Joe Lieberrman to task for his legislation to keep ANWR off-limits for developers.
BEGICH: “Sen. Lieberman’s ANWR legislation is another misguided attempt at locking up ANWR to appease environmentalists across the country.  What this country needs is a comprehensive energy plan dealing with oil and gas development, as well as renewable energy resources, to ease our dependence on foreign oil. Domestic production including the enormous oil and gas reserves believed to lie beneath the Arctic Refuge must be a part of that policy.”