
ON THE ROAD: Massachusetts Governor Race Update

Greetings from the Bay State, where the hometown Boston Globe has released a new poll on the Massachusetts Governor race:

Governor Deval Patrick has opened a slim lead over Republican rival Charles D. Baker as the heated four-way governor’s race enters its final days, but a strong anti-incumbent mood, discouragement within Democratic ranks, and excitement among Republicans still threatens his bid for a second term, according to a new Boston Globe poll.

The survey of likely voters gave Patrick a four-point edge over Baker, 43 percent to 39 percent, while independent Timothy P. Cahill, the state treasurer and former Democrat, trailed far behind with 8 percent. Green-Rainbow candidate Jill Stein received 2 percent.

Patrick has been dogged by low job approval ratings, but Democrat-turned-Independent Tim Cahill is poised to play an effective spoiler.  Republican Charlie Baker remains very much within striking distance.  I'll have reports from hot races in the state's 4th and 10th Congressional Districts this week.

Just for fun, here's the "Green-Rainbow Party" candidate's website.