
We're Up and Running...

We're live with the new site, and I have my very own blog. Can ya believe that?

Some of my favorite new features are the Funnies page, which collects a bunch of conservative caroonists; the Create Your Own Blog section, where you can blog alongside Hugh Hewitt and Michael Medved; and Talk Radio Online, which allows you to listen to your favorite talk hosts right now or podcast them for later!

Also, the What's Hot? section tells you exactly what Townhall readers think is the best stuff on the site.

Sign up right now to get started with all of this (top right corner of the homepage) or comment on this blog post! Tell me what you think. We love to hear from y'all.

And, of course, we still have all the columnists you know and love.

Start exploring! You know, in between the barbecue...