
Irony: Assange Blasts "Very Dangerous" Chinese Wikileaks Copycat

This is just too rich coming from an accused rapist who is remorselessly endangering lives, kneecapping diplomatic efforts, straining crucial alliances, and generally seeking to humiliate and undermine the world's greatest nation in every conceivable way:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange doesn’t think much of the activists planning a Chinese version of WikiLeaks, blasting them with the kind of vitriol often reserved for him by critics of his document dumps.

Forbes: What do you think of the idea of WikiLeaks copycats and spinoffs?

Assange: There have been a few over time, and they’ve been very dangerous. It’s not something that’s easy to do right. That’s the problem. Recently we saw a Chinese WikiLeaks. We encouraged them to come to us to work with us. It would be nice to have more Chinese speakers working with us in a dedicated way. But what they’d set up had no meaningful security. They have no reputation you can trust. It’s very easy and very dangerous to do it wrong.
Indeed.  Heaven forbid anyone should recklessly publish hundreds of thousands of leaked secret/confidential documents the wrong way.  According to Julian Assange, that task ought to be left to reputable "professionals" like...Julian Assange.