
More Stimulus Pork, A Golf Cart Tax Break!!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is also drawing attention to questionable spending items in the stimulus bill, among them $3 million in tax breaks for vehicles that cannot drive any faster than 25 mph and more than a 1 billion to makeover government buildings.

Here's a link to the latest release from the leader's office.
I'm copying the info below:
•    $300 Million for Federal Employee Company Cars And Neighborhood Electric Vehicles: (Pg. 96 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, “For capital expenditures and necessary expenses of acquiring motor vehicles with higher fuel economy, including: hybrid vehicles; neighborhood electric vehicles; electric vehicles; and commercially-available, plug-in hybrid vehicles, $300,000,000”)  

•    $3 Million Tax Benefit For Golf Carts, Electric Motorcycles and ATVs (That Don’t Exceed 25mph): (Pg.474 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, “Credit for certain other vehicles… meets the requirements of section 571.500 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations;” And “Estimated Effects of the Cantwell Amendment,” Joint Committee on Taxation, 2/06/09)

•    $125 Million for DC Sewers: (Pg. 94 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, “$125,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2010, to continue implementation of the Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control Plan”)

•    $1.652 Billion for Government Facilities And Renovations: (Pg.3 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, Government facilities upgrades for the Department of Agriculture, $200M; Pg.41 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, $377M; Pg.124 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment,  the Smithsonian Institution, $75M; Pg.130 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, the Health Resources and Services Administration, $88M; Pg.130 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $412M; Pg.133 of the Collins-Nelson Amendment, the National Institutes of Health, $500M)