
Foreign Donor Scandal to Hit Obama Campaign?

The Washington Examiner is reporting Obama For America is about to get rocked by a scandal involving taxes and foreign donors.

According to knowledgeable sources, a national magazine and a national web site are preparing a blockbuster donor scandal story.

Sources told Secrets that the Obama campaign has been trying to block the story. But a key source said it plans to publish the story Friday or, more likely, Monday.

According to the sources, a taxpayer watchdog group conducted a nine-month investigation into presidential and congressional fundraising and has uncovered thousands of cases of credit card solicitations and donations to Obama and Capitol Hill, allegedly from unsecure accounts, and many from overseas. That might be a violation of federal election laws.

The Obama campaign has received hundreds of millions in small dollar donations, many via credit card donations through their website. On Thursday, the campaign announced a record September donor haul of $150 million.

It's no surprise President Obama has support overseas. Billionaires like George Soros support him and considering Hollywood is partially controlled by European money, naturally Obama has foreign support. Obama's economic philosophy is also similar to European style resdistribution of wealth, which is why French President Francois Hollande supports him. We'll have to wait and see how this story plays out and whether the Obama campaign really has a problem/scandal to deal with a month away from Election Day.