
FCC Wants To "Save Journalism"

The Federal Communications Commission  just released a "staff discussion draft" of "potential policy recommendations to support the reinvention of journalism." Via Jeff Jarvis at the New York Post, here are the main points:
Expanding copyright law and restricting the doctrine of fair comment to benefit legacy publishers.

Granting antitrust exemptions to allow publishers to collude on pricing to consumers and to business partners.

Giving news organizations tax exemptions.

Subsidizing news organizations by increasing government funding to public broadcasting; establishing an AmeriCorps to pay reporters; giving news companies tax credits for employing journalists; creating a national fund for local news, and giving the press an increased postal subsidy.
As Jarvis says: "What we need now are innovators -- like my entrepreneurial journalism students -- to invent new forms, structures, efficiencies and business models for news... those entrepreneurs don't need government help."