
Why Mince Words When You Feel Free To Say It Like This?

Is anyone else perplexed by the most recent activity of Megan McCain on Twitter?
McCainBlogette: f--[expletive deleted] harvard MBA's, show me your nipple ring, harley and arm sleeves of tattoos and I will run away with you
A few moments earlier:
McCainBlogette: Sturgis has not helped my attraction for all things (men) inked up and dirty...
Sturgis is the name of a bike store.

Apparently, I'm not the only one giving her Twitter feed a second glance. From Hot Air's AllahPundit:
allahpundit@McCainBlogette D -- [expletive deleted]
On one hand, I don't really think this kind of language is becoming to the daughter of our party's Presidential nominee. On the other hand, at least she's not keeping the Party stale...