The Virginia governor started out by quoting Thomas Jefferson, Virginia's second governor, on fiscal responsibility, and then continued his lecture with a reference to Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities. Instead of London and Paris, McDonnell compared Richmond and Washington D.C., pointing to Virginia's capital as a place that had reined in spending and promoted business during the current economic crisis.
Right now we have an absolutely unsustainable level of spending in our nation's capitol. We cannot sustain this level of taxation and spending in this country.He broadly focused his criticism on four main areas: the deficit, regulations, health care, and the 10th Amendment. He continued with the meme that had permeated all of the speeches and training sessions at the conference: the November mid-term elections.
When you leave here, I hope you leave here energized and determined to fight for these principles when you go back home, because there is an awful lot at stake right now.McDonnell pointed out that he had won his own election by less than one eighth of a vote in every precinct in Virginia.
Every phone call you make, every door you knock on, every person you talk to about what is at stake in America... every one of those contacts can make a difference.