
Bah Humbug: Dems Vote 'No' on Christmas!

I meant to post this yesterday. They actually voted "present,"-- a neutral vote-- but nine of the culprits voted 'yes' on a similar resolution honoring Islam and another honoring Indian religions.

Those in King's crosshairs are Reps. Gary Ackerman and Yvette Clarke of New York; Diana DeGette of Colorado; Alcee Hastings of Florida; Jim McDermott of Washington; Bobby Scott of Virginia; and Barbara Lee, Pete Stark, and Lynn Woolsey of California.

All voted "yes" on both measures with the exception of Hastings and Lee. Hastings supported the Ramadan measure but did not vote on the Indian religion measure. Lee was the reverse: she supported the Indian religion measure, but did not vote on the Ramadan measure.

Here's our friend Rep. Steve King talking about the vote: