
Claude Allen Charged in Felony Theft

Wow, if he turns out to be guilty, this is just shameful, surprising, and downright trashy.

News today may shed light on the mystery of Allen's resignation. According to the Montgomery County Police Department, Allen was arrested yesterday and charged in a felony theft and a felony theft scheme. According to a department press release, Allen conducted approximately 25 fraudulent "refunds" in Target and Hecht's stores in Maryland. On Jan. 2, a Target employee apprehended Allen after observing him receive a refund for merchandise he had not purchased. Target then contacted the Montgomery County Police. According to a source familiar with the case, Target and the police had been observing Allen since October 2005.

Allen is charged with practicing a form of shoplifting called "refund fraud."

I've never understood what could drive otherwise successful people to do stuff like this.

UPDATE: Bush comments on Allen's arrest:

"I was shocked and my first reaction was one of disappointment, deep disappointment--if it's true--that we were not fully informed," Bush said...

"If the allegations are true, Claude Allen did not tell my chief of staff or legal counsel the truth, and that's deeply disappointing," the president said. "If the allegations are true, something went wrong in Claude Allen's life, and that is really sad."