
48 Hours Until We Know If Oil Leak Is Plugged

BP has blown mud and rubber into the oil leak, and initial reports are positive that they've been successful in plugging it up. In two short days, they'll know for sure whether it worked, which would be a remarkable achievement just 37 days after the catastrophe occured. From Fox:
CEO Tony Hayward said in an interview Friday morning that the "junk shot" method — which pumps rubber and other man-made material into the gushing well — has been added to the "top kill," which has been slowing the flow of oil by pumping mud into the source since Thursday.
The main thing that's up for grabs is whether the stuff they've pumped will maintain enough pressure on the opening in order for the a layer of cement to set on top of it all. Meanwhile, Obama continues to announce plans to halt oil drilling in the Gulf and elsewhere.