
The Devil Went Down to Fenway ...

A reader emails me this quote from a few months ago.  In this case, the question is more telling than the answer ...

M Charles Bakst:  “If the devil said you can be president if you become a Sox fan, would you do it? He laughed and declared:”  

Giuliani: “I’m a Yankee fan. My father made me a Yankee fan probably before I was born. I always believe it’s a sign of my being straight with people, about not wanting to fool them, that I was one of the first mayors to be willing to say I was a Yankee fan. Most mayors pretended they rooted for both sides. I have great respect for Mets fans, Red Sox fans. I have great respect for people who really are fans of the team they say they are fans of. But probably that’s a deal I could not make.”  (M. Charles Bakst, “Giuliani On Abortion, War, Baseball,” The Providence Journal, 7/7/07)