
Rove Calls Biden A 'Serial Exaggerator,' A 'Liar,' & A 'Blowhard'

Biden is not backing down either: Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.

"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without any elaboration.

Megyn Kelly states the obvious to Rove: "It's not getting a lot of play." Rove says if roles were reversed "the media would be all over it." No doubt. But as long as the media keeps giving the Obama administration a pass, FOX, the internet, and talk radio will be left shouting from the tops. No better example of the MSM's MIA than their lack of Tea Party coverage around the U.S.