
New Texas Senator in 2012?

Ted Cruz, who ran unsuccessfully for Texas attorney general in the last election, announced today on a bloggers' conference call that he will run for the U.S. senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson in 2012.

Cruz, who was four years behind Obama at Harvard Law school, said Obama is the most radical president ever to occupy the White House and that Texas needs to send a strong, conservative senator to stand up to Obama in the Senate, where Cruz contends the fight is.

He said the central question that needs to be asked in the GOP Senate primary is who is best prepared to stand up to the Obama agenda. Cruz served as the state's solicitor general for five years and argued several cases before the Supreme Court

"We are facing the epic battle of our generation," Cruz said of the current national landscape.  He believes the primary issue facing the electorate is whether America remains a free market nation.

Cruz has never held elected office but believes that brings advantages along with the challenges. "People don't want more of the same," he said.