
Bill O'Reilly Calls Barney Frank OUT

O'Reilly was on FIRE last night with Barney Frank.

The Factor man replayed a clip of Frank saying:
 FRANK: "Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, but they are not in danger of going under, they're not be the best investments these days from the long term standpoint coming back. I think they are in good shape going forward...they're housing market, I do that prospects going foward are very solid and in fact we are going to do some things to improve them."
O'Reilly asked Frank why Americans shouldn't be mad at him for lying. Frank clings to his admission the housing market may "not be the best investment" these days and completely disregards everything he said about being "fundamentally sound" and "in good shape going forward."

Bill tells Frank he's spewing "B.S." and that he's a coward. "You didn't say that? You want me to play it again for ya?"

"Stop the BS! Stop the crap!"

This is a MUST WATCH: