
Radical Open Border DOJ Attorneys Behind Joe Arpaio Lawsuit

A few weeks ago I brought you the story about the Obama Justice Department working with radical groups to promote voter fraud. The DOJ's recently filed lawsuit against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is no different. It just so happens that some of the DOJ lawyers behind the lawsuit have strong ties to radical open border and pro-illegal immigrant groups. The lawsuit against Arpaio was sent out of the DOJ Civil Rights Division, the same division that by direction of Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther voter intimidation case in 2008.

DOJ Whistleblower and author of Injustice Christian Adams, exposes the situation:

Sergio Perez: Mr. Perez is another attorney fresh out of law school. As of the date this article was drafted, he continued to boast on his Facebook page of his active role in Junta for Progressive Action, an organization that promotes the rights of illegal aliens in the United States.

Jennifer Mondino: After working at the Center for Reproductive Rights, an abortion rights group, Ms. Mondino apparently decided that her work would be easier if she had the enforcement machinery of the Department of Justice behind her. She previously served as a staff attorney at the Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Law Project in Brooklyn and an attorney in the Civil Rights Bureau of the New York State Attorney General’s Office. On her resume, she proudly lists her volunteer activities with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Election Protection Campaign, the Legal Aid Society, the New York City Bar Refugee Assistance Project, the “Unite! Local 169 Fair Wages Campaign” (on behalf of Spanish-speaking green grocer employees), Bay Area Legal Aid, and Human Rights Watch.

Read his entire piece here.