
Funny How This Happens in a State Hostile Toward Self-Defense

The terrorist attack in Israel on October 7th stands as a stark reminder of just why I value my right to keep and bear arms. It reminds me that evil is out there and it wants good people dead.

That evil didn't stop that day in Israel, and now it’s rearing its head in an anti-gun state.

While California likes to consider itself the epicenter of tolerance, there's an awful lot of intolerance there:

A string of recent violent episodes in California suggest tensions are still running high in the state over Israel and Palestine, with one man shooting two kindergarteners at a Christian school due to American involvement in Gaza, and a Palestinian allegedly running over an Israeli in Laguna Beach after arguing at the bar. 

Last week, a man described by law enforcement as “homeless” opened fire at a Seventh Day Adventist school in Oroville, wounding two kindergarteners. Law enforcement later shared the man’s writings, which said “child executions” at the school are a “necessitated response to America's involvement with Genocide and Oppression of Palestinians along with attacks towards Yemen.”

Over the weekend, Hebrew News reported an Israeli and a Palestinian got into an argument outside of a bar in Laguna Beach, which led to the Palestinian ramming his car into the Israeli after learning of his nationality. 

There was also an incident of vandalism at San Francisco Hillel, a center for Jewish university students, on Sunday night.

I can't help but notice that these are happening in California, though, and not, say, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Missouri, or any of the more pro-gun states in the country. Why is that?

Admittedly, there may be some incidents happening in those states. No one seems to be writing for national publications about the antisemitic attacks in rural Alabama, though.

You're going to have a hard time convincing me that none of these people ever consider that the people they're targeting can't really shoot back. Trying to run someone over with a car is sufficient grounds for shooting the driver. Shooting at school kids is a clear example of someone who has too few holes in their body. 

Yet, California, like a handful of other states, is downright hostile toward gun ownership in general, but especially carrying one. They jumped on the "carry killer" bandwagon — laws that make it virtually impossible to carry lawfully anywhere but just walking down the street, and that'll change as soon as they can figure out how — because they don't value the right to keep and bear arms.

It hasn't stopped violence, though. This is just the latest example of how little gun control does to stop violence.

Of course, in fairness, violence actually does happen in every state. No one is immune to it.

The difference is that when people decide to start trying to kill people in pro-gun states, they have to consider just how long they have until someone comes and kills them. So long as the someone in question isn't the Uvalde Police Department, it likely won't take very long at all.

Just ask Eli Dicken. If you don't remember him, he put down the killer at the Greenwood Park Mall shooting in Indiana. Or Stephen Williford, who took out the Sutherland Springs killer. Or talk to any of the millions of Americans who have used a gun to defend their lives or someone else's.

The best way to stop violent attacks like this? Let FAFO reign supreme.