
Was Kamala the First Candidate to Not Flip a Single County Since 1932?

This is incredible if true. The source doesn’t appear to be a Trump fan, but they did analyze the 2024 election, and they found that Kamala Harris didn’t flip a single county. Meanwhile, President-elect Donald J. Trump was able to flip 54 (or 55). 

The math gurus can investigate further to determine whether this is accurate, but other metrics prove Kamala Harris was likely the worst Democratic presidential candidate in at least a generation. The Obama coalition that ushered in a historic presidency, along with robust Democratic congressional majorities, has collapsed. At least 80 percent of all American counties shifted toward Trump and the Republicans. The only area that saw another swing to the Left was Washington state. 

The 2024 election firmly established the changing realignment within the GOP, which is now a multiracial working-class party. According to a recent CBS News poll, Donald Trump's approval ratings among young voters are around 60 percent

That must make Democrats scream. Not winning a single swing state also confirms the ‘bad candidate’ vibes with Harris. Still, if she didn’t flip a single county that Trump carried in 2020, being associated with Herbert Hoover wouldn’t necessarily be the best historical footnote regarding national elections.