
Kamala's New Ad Is...Really Something Else

We'll get to the new Harris commercial shortly.  First, some context: The 'news' media devotes countless hours to covering the various utterances of Donald Trump.  In some cases, he says genuinely objectionable things that merit scrutiny and criticism.  In others, they willfully distort what he's said, in order to cram into into a Democrat-journo narrative.  For instance, you may have heard that Trump has called America a "garbage can."  Highly unpatriotic, isn't it?  And "anti-immigrant," per Good Morning America, which is anchored by a longtime Democratic operative.  How dare he run our country down with such an aggressively pejorative description.  Except...Trump didn't call the United States a garbage can.  He expressed anger that other countries are treating us as their garbage can by sending some of their worst elements to illegally cross our borders.  You may have an issue with how Trump is making that point, but what he's manifestly not doing is demeaning the nation he seeks to again lead as trash.  When he talks about the undesirable sorts of people who've been arriving in America for years under the Biden-Harris immigration free-for-all, he's talking about examples like this:

More than 600 migrants in the US with possible ties to the vicious Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua have been identified by the Department of Homeland Security, frightening new data revealed. About 100 of the 600 “subjects of interest” were confirmed members of Tren de Aragua — and even recommended by Homeland Security to be placed on an FBI watchlist, according to NBC, which obtained the disturbing figures. The other 500 were victims, witnesses or other members of the gang, officials said. Tren de Aragua has a known presence in 15 states, including New York City, and a possible presence in eight others, according to the report...Officials began collecting data on the gang after noticing a spike in crime committed by its members in US cities, including the Big Apple. Crimes include sex trafficking in Louisiana and the point-blank shooting of two NYPD officers, according to the report...Law enforcement experts, however, say the data shows the gap in intelligence about the gang’s presence in the US, as the Venezuelan government does not share criminal histories or other information about its immigrants with the US. The lack of information shared by Venezuela also makes it more difficult for border patrol agents to determine who among the Venezuelan migrants might be TdA members.

Yes, the illegitimate, opposition-killing, election-stealing Communist regime in Venezuela doesn't give our officials a heads-up about what sort of hardcore gang-bangers and criminals are walking across our borders. Imagine that.  This violent network now has a confirmed or suspected presence in nearly half of our states.  Remember when an ABC News anchor sought to downplay the seriousness of this particular gang seizing control of multiple apartment complexes in Colorado?  JD Vance, whom she was interviewing, incredulously asked, "do you hear yourself?"  We've since seen these criminals, whose threat the Left seems to minimize and dismiss, continuing to victimize people within our borders:

After months of Aurora, Colorado officials claiming the city doesn't have a problem with Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, new video shows the criminal group is still running two apartment complexes in the Denver suburb to this day. The footage shows a woman who just gave birth a week ago saying she was burned with scalding water by mobsters while pregnant who terrorize her and her husband. The Guatemalan migrant is a resident of Whispering Pines Apartments, one of three Aurora properties where the bloodthirsty South American control has taken control of in recent months...The new mom added she went into labor early due to the stress caused by living in constant fear for safety, as multiple units in her complex, including the people who live directly across the hall from her are TdA, as the gang is known to cops. Tren de Aragua started seeping into the US, hidden among the 1 million Venezuelan migrants who have entered the US during the Biden Administration. The notorious South American mafia, best known for sex trafficking girls and women and exploiting their fellow countrymen, now has tentacles that stretch across the US to places like New York, Miami, San Antonio, El Paso, [and] Dallas.

This threat has been metastasizing for quite some time, even if people with a certain agenda have seemed more concerned with downplaying what's been happening -- publicly, at least:

Melugin also highlights yet another example of illegal immigrants released into the United States by the Biden-Harris administration who then committed additional crimes, but who were freed from custody under lax-on-crime laws in New York City, a 'sanctuary' jurisdiction.  As a result, they were out on the streets to sex traffic a teenager:

Enyerbert Alberto Blanco, a Venezuelan national, was arrested by NYPD on 10/31/23 for murder intention & criminal use of a firearm. ICE NYC placed a detainer request on him, but it was ignored and Blanco was released from Rikers Island. He is now arrested in Florida in connection with sex trafficking the teen girl. Yenire Karolina Pacheco Leiton is a Colombian national. NYPD arrested her in July 2023 for obstructing government administration, criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment. ICE NYC says before they could lodge a detainer against her, she had already been released from local custody. She is now arrested in Florida in connection with sex trafficking the teen girl.

Then there's this:

Americans warmly embrace immigrants who follow the rules and respect our laws.  They have a problem with those who do neither.  And it's gotten so bad that mass deportation has become a popular policy.  Perhaps Trump's critics have a problem with describing this as foreign illegal immigrants treating our country like a garbage can.  Indeed, President Biden ended up backtracking from even referring to the illegal immigrant accused murderer of Laken Riley as "illegal," due to backlash from the Left.  Meanwhile, the Kamala Harris campaign is out with a new ad, evidently aimed at Asian-American voters, that sinks to grotesque levels of demagoguery.  Journalists fulminate over Trump rhetoric all the time.  But the self-appointed civility and anti-misinformation police have been predictably muted on this abomination:

Yes, it appears as though one of Team Kamala's scattershot and desperation-tinged closing arguments is that Trump wants to put Americans into 'camps' of some sort.  Rather than rejecting this conspiratorial BlueAnon madness, Harris is happily running it in commercials and accepting the underlying premise as legitimate and "important:"

Her take-away from this exchange is that it's Trump who's sought to make that person scared.  Trump does plenty of fear-mongering in his own right, but it's breathtaking to watch the Democratic nominee project the impacts of her own repulsive fear-mongering onto Trump.  I'll leave you with Harris' theatrical, positively joyful performance she's been repeating at every rally down the final stretch of the campaign: