
Did This Atlantic Writer Really Just Go There Regarding Black and Latino Voters Supporting Trump?

Liberals are funny people. When things don’t go their way, they have a menu of talking points, each more insane than the other. When Republicans win, it’s because the nation is sexist, racist, and uneducated. It’s also bad for our democracy and institutional health, which is rich coming from a party that’s weaponized the intelligence community and the Department of Justice to go after the Left’s political enemies. 

You know they tried to dismiss the polling of Black and Latino voters supporting Donald Trump. The former president is projected to perform best with these voter groups since Nixon. It’s not unbelievable to suggest that Trump could win the Latino vote on Election Day. So, to cope, the predominantly overeducated, wealthy, and white liberal media essayist class is now attacking these voters for being too dumb to know better. Atlantic writer George Packer made that point, emphasizing how education predetermines one’s political affiliation. The bubble these people reside in is astounding. Most in America don’t have college educations, and yet, working-class voters formed the backbone of the Democratic Party for generations. 

What caused them to drift away? Maybe it could be people like this who think you gave no value or contribute much if you’re not a philosopher-king like them. The irony is liberal voters aren’t even that—they may have college educations. Still, they’re too obtuse to relate to normal people and take the most hyper-left position on public policy's most common sense stances. 

'If you don’t vote for us, you're morons' is quite the salesman line, fellas. Working-class voters are tired of being lectured, denigrated, dismissed, and mocked by snobby urban-based elites, like the folks who read The Atlantic and other liberal rags. It’s not that the GOP has courted them. They’re voting Republican, partially to give the middle finger to the political and academic classes who truly are sociopaths.