
CNN Reporter's Interview With MAGA Boat Guy Did Not Go Well

Joe Harner is a die-hard Trump supporter; he doesn’t hide that fact. He’s also a proud boat owner, which became a source of inquiry for CNN’s Elle Reeve. Harner was prepared for the question related to inflation and the economy. Like everyone else, he wants the prices to come down and the economy to thrive, which Biden-Harris has failed miserably to accomplish. Reeve said she didn’t want to be rude, but if Harner could afford a boat and its upkeep, he couldn’t be hurting so badly. He filleted the premise:

“Listen, nobody gave me shit! I earned everything that I’ve got. I’m retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired with boats, jet skis because I did it right, and everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that’s up to them.” 

Reeve reiterated that she would never take away his success but wanted to clarify that groceries were probably not a critical item of his budget, which is wrong. The middle class wants low prices, but the rich or the well-off retired class don’t--that's ridiculous. This prism gets the Left into trouble, and Harner obliterated this straw man argument in less than a minute.

Lower prices and inflation rates help everyone—not just him. He also said that he raised his kids right; they got their educations and now have successful careers.  He admitted they’re doing better than him.