
CBS News Segment Alludes to Historic Support for Donald Trump

Only the liberal bubble appears to be buying into this narrative that Kamala Harris ‘won’ the debate. She didn’t collapse like Joe Biden, which is a low bar, and Trump failed to deliver a knockout blow. The latter is probably the reason why liberals feel somewhat better. Still, focus groups across the board weren’t singing Harris’ praises, notably zeroing in on the lack of clarity regarding policy. Voters are plugged in, Democrats—this patronizing attitude liberals hold toward voters isn’t going to work. 

CBS News’ Major Garrett had a segment that should worry Kamala Harris and her supporters. In Michigan, the reporter spoke to 20 voters for his report. None of them were undecided. They going to vote for Trump, and that support is “real and resilient.” To the anti-Trump loser wing of the GOP, this is why you could never beat us. Your guys and gals don’t have the juice, and when it came time for the showdown, you scurried off and joined the Democrats. It points to historic support for the former president in the Midwest:

Pew Research has Trump polling better than ever in this region, better than in 2016 or 2020. Meanwhile, Kamala is struggling with the Democratic Party's core constituencies, which I’ll get to later today.

Also, these videos never get old: no Kamala supporter can point to a single accomplishment.