
CNN Commentator Had a Brutal Observation About Bill Clinton's Convention Speech

CNN’s Scott Jennings struck again last night. Former President Bill Clinton addressed the crowd, where Slick Willy looked rough. Is he the same age as Trump? Sure, but we’ve been here before, folks. As Bill Maher said, Trump is like KISS—he may be old, but after he puts on the wig and makeup, he sounds like he did back in 1978. This convention has been a freak show, but Jennings’ observation of Clinton’s speech was spot-on: why was Clinton here when the voters he appealed to in the party have become Trump Republicans? Moreover, what is a man who was never held accountable for the credible accusations of rape being lauded by the party of the Me Too moment? 

Younger Democrats know who Bill Clinton is, and it’s not for his political skills. Jennings said that he wonders how the former president can remain in the spotlight, given the woke makeover of the Democratic Party. On that point, I’ll disagree: Bill is a former Democratic president and one of the most popular. For better or worse, that’s a fact, which explains the invitations. 

Yet, the migration of his core supporters within the Democratic Party to the Republicans does make for why this speech might be seen as out of place. And yet, it also brings up another quality of Bill Clinton that some might despise: his survival ability.

When Me Too was at its height, progressives finally admitted that Bill Clinton should have been held accountable. It was a mea culpa moment of sorts, though not a forceful one. Anyone who understands the power dynamics here knows that Monica Lewinsky likely couldn’t have consented to any of the acts that partook between the two. Yet, Mr. Jennings, why do Democrats tolerate the weirdness, double standards, and rank hypocrisy? Because it’s all about power. The irony is a Bill Clinton Democrat, aka someone who isn’t nuts, is a political type the GOP could work with on the Hill, not this left-wing circus we have brewing right now.