
Did You Notice What Was Off About the DNC's Video on Tim Walz?

By now, it’s just a way to troll conservatives. It’s now become an exercise to stick it to Republicans for pointing out rightly that Gov. Tim Walz lied about his military record. Multiple videos and newspaper articles from national and local publications show that Walz lied about his service. No one is admonishing him for deciding to serve in the National Guard for 24 years. That’s a fact, but he never deployed overseas, never saw combat in Afghanistan, and thought that Bagram Air Base was in Iraq. Walz’s time in uniform is not in question, but what he did after he left to bolster his public service career is what many find offensive.

He knew his unit was deploying to Iraq months in advance, though his lies about combat have made this a campaign issue. His record got exposed when he went on an anti-gun tirade, which was caught on video, where he told voters that he carried weapons of war. He also lied about his rank, which was included in the Democratic National Convention’s video about him before his address to attendees last night:

Democrats know Walz’s issues and yet still left this bit of fake news in the video. They don’t care and think it won’t be an issue. We’ll find out on Election Day who made the right call.