
Don Lemon Went to Atlantic City to Ask Voters Who They're Supporting. He Wasn't Expecting These Answers.

I don’t know what Don Lemon was thinking with this segment because anyone who visits the Jersey Shore knows it’s Trump country. The former CNN host traveled to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to ask voters on the boardwalk who they’re supporting. These weren’t the answers he sought, as most of those who spoke to him said, Donald Trump. 

One man said he was making more money four years ago than now, which led to Lemon saying that the economy has never been more robust. Again, the media cannot accept that no one trusts them because voters know what life was like under Trump. They see their checkbooks. The best part is Lemon trying to list off Harris' supposed record of experience, which is visibly dismissed by the voters he encountered. 

 That’s not to say that New Jersey isn’t a blue state—it is—but Lemon likely would have found more Kamala Harris supporters in Morris County, a former Republican stronghold that has flipped. South Jersey isn’t with Kamala. By the number of Trump 2024 flags I saw in Ocean City this month, roughly 30 minutes, you’d think the Garden State was ruby red. 

It's just amusing that Lemon’s production team thought Jersey was a safe state to ask questions about voter preference and picked a pro-Trump enclave.