
‘Strange,’ Messy,’ ‘Fiasco’: The Words Biden’s People Used to Describe Kamala Harris

We’re in the Alice in Wonderland period of the 2024 race. The bubble liberals think they can win. The veterans who know better, like David Axelrod, are more bearish. Like the market meltdown we saw yesterday, there will be a moment when Kamala comes down to Earth. She’s a terrible candidate who hasn’t fixed any flaws that led to her dismal 2020 exit. Biden quit the race on July 21 but reportedly was reluctant to get behind his VP sooner due to feelings she couldn’t win. His early endorsement of her when he finally exited the race was more to stick it to Barack Obama, who he felt was the puppet master behind the Democratic Party’s rebellion against him. 

The sitting president endorsing the only viable candidate at this point of the race would force everyone’s hand—Biden knew this. And it dovetailed off reports that Obama’s refusal to endorse Harris out of the gate was due to concerns that she couldn’t beat Donald Trump either. Yet, Biden’s team’s assessment of Harris is probably more brutal than anything Trump could muster at his rallies. It’s all been documented in a 2022 book, where the president’s team called Harris “messy,” “strange,” and a “fiasco.” They also noted that her failed trip to Central America was more on the shoulders of the VP than her staff, whom she routinely berates when things go wrong. Harris’ role as border czar was an immigration policy disaster for the Biden administration, one where even Biden, who hadn’t lost all his marbles yet, confirmed his assessment that she wasn’t as competent or qualified as other VP contenders: 

Democrats should push for Harris to debate Trump sooner so she could get her clock cleaned and the party can return to their hopeless, depressed selves regarding this election. Her record, trip-ups, and failures are too many to cover and spin away. She’s the definition of unqualified, and no Democrat has ever voted for her in a primary. She’s quintessentially undemocratic.