
Remember Those Jordanians Who Tried to Breach Quantico Marine Base? Well...

In May, Townhall reported how two Jordanian nationals attempted to breach Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. Robert O’Neill, a former Navy SEAL, told the New York Post that the encounter showed signs of being a “dry run” for a terrorist organization to “see how far they can get a truck into the base.” 

This week, the Post reported that the two Jordanian illegal immigrants were freed on bail. 

The two suspects posted thousands of dollars in bail to leave federal custody (via NYP):

Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 28, were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention despite their immigration status — Hamdan had crossed into the country illegally in April and Dabous had overstayed his student visa and is subject to removal proceedings, law enforcement sources told The Post.

They were arrested on May 3 for trespassing onto the military installation and handed over to ICE officers because of their immigration statuses.

It’s still unknown why the men allegedly tried to get onto the base.

A federal law enforcement source told the Post that the ordeal is a “big-time intel failure, security failure.”

“If it wasn’t an act of terrorism, why aren’t the government officials releasing the details of this? What was the intent?” the source added.

Both illegals were reportedly charged with misdemeanor trespassing on military property and appeared before a judge for the first time on July 22, when they were ordered released on the conditions that they show up to court for their immigration proceedings and stay away from Quantico or other military bases, the Post noted.

As Townhall covered, both men lied to guards at Quantico during their attempted breach and said that they were Amazon delivery drivers. They tried to drive onto the base before they were stopped by barriers and arrested.