
Axios Steps on a Rake Going After Trump for Using the Term 'Black Jobs'

Axios did well covering the Biden White House siege, which finally concluded when the president announced he’d quit the 2024 race on July 21. The outlet had been covering the Democratic Party rebellion against Biden, but now it’s joining the rest of the media herd in erasing the leftist and radical agenda advocated by Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now taking up the Democratic Party mantle. 

The outlet went after former President Donald Trump for using the term “black jobs,” which he said were under threat from illegal immigration (via Axios) [emphasis mine]: 

Former President Trump told a roomful of Black journalists on Wednesday that immigrants are taking "Black jobs." 

Why it matters: The remarks, made at the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention, are not only out of step with the reality of the U.S. economy, they also reinforce stereotypes about the kind of work Black people do. 


Reality check: For starters, there are no Black jobs in the U.S., because there is not any kind of racial requirement for employment. (Those were made illegal with the Civil Rights laws passed decades ago — though there is still discrimination in hiring.) 

That’s not what he meant—and you know it, Axios. No one is that dense, and if they are—they should be fired because we all see through the lies. The entire conference was devoted to black people who had jobs in the media. It’s beyond weird that this outlet decided to take a neo-segregationist take on economic analysis. It seems intentionally obtuse and treats its readers as idiots. Also, it’s fake news:

The Wall Street Journal even did a lengthy piece about how the COVID pandemic had torpedoed the best job market for black Americans on record. How would one describe that—maybe by saying black jobs under Trump soared but then crashed when COVID turned us all into crazed animals?