
'White Dudes for Kamala' Was As Horrifying As You Could Imagine

Democrats are weird. Kamala Harris is weird. This whole saga regarding her dumping Joe and mobilizing a previously demoralized base is bizarre. First, it’s segregated. We have a white people virtual rally, and I was only able to stomach about 10 minutes before I wanted to jump out of a window. Imagine every nauseating trait of a modern American progressive today, and then multiply it by 250. That’s what you get: these white people rallying for Kamala. I was *this* close to setting myself on fire like that Buddhist monk in Saigon. It’s a horror show. Others, like Breanna Morello, clipped the worst of this little event. 

What got me was the person who said that white people not vocally disagreeing with Republicans is enabling problematic behaviors, white nationalism, and the like. Again, it circles back to that old motif about the Left: They will make you care. The ‘white dudes for Kamala’ circus was last night. The white women's rally was held last week (via Reuters): 

More than 160,000 people joined a Zoom call on Thursday night to build support for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris among white women, a voter demographic that has supported Republican nominee Donald Trump in the past two elections. 

Organized by Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, a gun-safety group with about 10 million members, the video call included activists, podcasters, the singer Pink and regular voters, several who said they regretted not doing enough before the 2016 election that put Trump in the White House. 


The point “is to make sure we are using our economic and political power to help elect Kamala Harris,” Watts said. 

“White women have fallen down too many times when it comes to voting for a presidential candidate."

These antics do not shock me from the bean-counting woke crew who dare not enter a room if there aren’t enough gays, blacks, Asians, and disabled people in the room. It must be representative, right? I would have added Jewish people to the list, but ever since the Left has decided to become allies with Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism, Jews are now 'problematic.'

It's classic liberal bubble nonsense—look who was on this friggin’ call! The elite of elites in both exercises, white, college-educated, and wealthy, are eons more intense on issues involving race than their black or Hispanic counterparts to the point where these people are certifiable.