
Did Biden Just Threaten the Speaker of the House?


Is Joe Biden having a senior moment, or is he exhibiting a moment of mental cogency that can be passed off as a mental slip due to his age? Whatever the case, it was a weird press interaction in Austin, Texas, where the president delivered an illiberal screed against the Supreme Court. He’s a lame-duck president who thinks he can ram through this reform package. It is a legislative item dead on arrival, prompting the question. A reporter asked how Biden felt about House Speaker Mike Johnson saying this initiative was DOA on the Hill.

The president replied, “I think that’s what he [Johnson] is. He is dead on arrival.”

Did Biden threaten the life of Mike Johnson? Whatever happened to lowering the temperature, which Biden and the Democrats elevated with their unhinged and utterly insane attacks on Trump and Republicans?

When does this guy and his degenerate family leave the White House?

UPDATE: This man is an outright disgrace and embarrassment.