
Another 'Conspiracy Theory' Becomes Reality

President Biden has not been seen since his bombshell announcement on Sunday informing the nation that he will not be seeking reelection. The news came as a surprise to most of his staff, who found out along with everyone else on X. The note itself has fueled even more suspicions given the signature didn’t appear to match previous ones. Frank Biden, one of Joe Biden’s younger two brothers, told CBS he hopes to enjoy the president for “whatever time we have left.” And some are reporting he experienced a medical emergency in Las Vegas, which “official” fact-checkers were quick to report is a conspiracy theory. It’s in this context that we have to revisit what else the mainstream media claimed was an “unfounded conspiracy theory" just last year. 

In October 2023, NBC News published a report titled, “Republicans float a quiet conspiracy theory that Biden won’t be on the ballot.” 

President Joe Biden announced in April that he is running for re-election. His campaign and its fundraising entities have a combined $91 million in the bank, and he has hired key political staffers to help helm his 2024 re-election campaign. 

He has no serious opposition that threatens to kick him off his party's ballot.

So he will obviously be the Democratic nominee for president, right? Right?

Though no incumbent president has declined to seek a second term since Lyndon Johnson in 1969, there is an unfounded conversation among a faction on the political right that goes something like this: Democratic power brokers will intervene at the last minute to replace a weakened 80-year-old Biden with someone else as the party’s nominee. […]

The idea, centered largely on the thought that Biden is too old and not sharp enough mentally, is that there's a secret plan to replace Biden due to his health or other reasons by amorphous illuminati-type forces within the Democratic Party. It is not a mainstream thought within the Republican Party, but it has maintained a persistent foothold among a relevant chunk of the GOP base taking their cues from some party officials who continue to toy with the idea. (NBC)

Now, this article pointed to chatter about Gov. Gavin Newsom or former first lady Michelle Obama as replacements, but now that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threw her public support behind VP Kamala Harris, it’s “game over” -- talk about an open convention is done and Harris will be the Democratic presidential nominee.