
Jake Tapper Is Calling on RFK Jr. to Take Down This Ad

CNN’s Jake Tapper is calling on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to remove a new campaign ad shared on social media that features him and several of his media colleagues.

“Panic has set in as Democrats across the country are shocked by a startling revelation following Thursday night’s debate —Joe Biden is not fit for candidacy,” the ad begins with Tapper’s voice. After that, other media figures are shown discussing the fallout from the June 27 debate, with their comments edited making it appear as though Democrat voters are now turning to Kennedy.

“Sources are saying Democrats are starting to rally around who they believe might be their only legitimate chance of beating [former President] Donald Trump,” CNN’s Anderson Cooper is heard saying. 

Tapper called on RFK Jr. to immediately take the “misleading” ad down “at once.”

Kennedy's campaign director Amaryllis Fox fired back.

"As misleading and deceptive as concealing the condition of the sitting President's cognitive decline while lying about the one pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-democracy candidate, who offered the Democrats the chance to beat Donald Trump by a fourteen point margin?" responded Fox. "Or as misleading and deceptive as exempting that incapacitated president from the ballot access requirements to be on the debate stage by arguing he had the nomination locked, while knowing full well that the point of the early debate was to see if he needed to be replaced?"

Others pointed out Tapper is not one to be talking.