
House Votes to Reverse Biden's Outrageous Title IX Rewrite

On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to overturn a Biden administration policy that rewrote federal civil rights legislation Title IX to allow sex discrimination to encompass the concept of “gender identity.”

House Republicans passed a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn the Title IX rule. According to several reports, 10 Republicans and eight Democrats did not vote.

Over 200 Democrats voted against protecting women and girls. 

“The Biden Title IX rule will be the end of girls’ sports,” said Illinois Republican Rep. Mary Miller, the resolution’s primary sponsor. “We must pray for a return to the Trump administration policies that protected our girls from these vile left-wing people and their agenda.”

President Biden is expected to veto the measure if it makes it to his desk.

On X, women’s sports advocates like Riley Gaines celebrated the vote. Gaines described it as a “win for women & girls, biological reality, common sense, and humanity.”

The legislation is unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate.

In April, Townhall covered how the Biden administration rewrote Title IX in an effort to push the LGBTQ+ agenda on Americans. In a video posted to X, Miguel Cardona, Biden’s education secretary, claimed that these new rules built upon the legacy of Title IX.

“This final regulation strengthens and restores vital protections against sex discrimination, including sexual harassment. It also protects students against discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation and gender identity,” he said in the video. 

Cardona failed to point out that these new regulations would strip away protections for women by allowing men who think they’re “transgender” to compete in their sports and use their facilities.