
We Need to Talk About Jill Biden's Insane Post-Debate Gathering

What is this woman doing? Sorry for being a little late on this, as the wider liberal meltdown has been substantial and ongoing. I’m sure you all saw the Biden post-debate gathering, which looked like something from North Korean state media. Its undertones, the ethos—all of it was bizarre, offensive, and, frankly, abusive.

 First Lady (or president?) Jill Biden tried to jack up supporters after Joe got blown out of the water by Donald Trump and looked and sounded absolutely insane. On stage, Joe looked like how most of the nation perceives him: too old and lost to serve as president of the United States. 

It's elder abuse. This man can’t do the job, but Jill is the new Lady Macbeth trying to keep Drool McCool in the Oval Office. The debate was a disaster, and Joe didn’t answer the questions, Jilly. He botched abortion, said his presidency beat Medicare, and mumbled and fumbled his way through this debate. It was a nightmare for the entire nation to watch. Your own party is either drinking heavily, smoking crack cocaine like your stepson, or dousing themselves in gasoline, ready for self-immolation because Trump is on track to win 45, maybe 49, states if nothing changes. And I don’t think anything will.

 One person could probably persuade Joe to drop out, and it's her; she won't do it.