
Progressive Commentator Tried Attacking Trump Over His Age. It Blew Up in His Face.

Joe Biden’s mental health was going to be an issue in 2024. You don’t get a poll where 86 percent think he’s too old to run without a healthy number of Republicans, Democrats, and independents noticing that the Delaware liberal has lost more than just a step. He needs to be dragged around by his wife or former President Obama, though some disagree this particular moment at an LA fundraiser shows a senior moment for the president. It doesn’t negate that Biden is lost. Better examples of this mental degradation exist, like the G7 Summit, which was a mess. 

Democrats, the White House, and the media are opting to pivot from these embarrassing moments that feed the national consensus about Biden’s health as misinformation or cheap fakes. It’s not. The European press noticed Biden’s failing mental capacity. Some notable progressives are seeing a thoroughly cooked president. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks isn’t a Trump supporter at all. Still, even he can’t spin Biden’s mental issues, which was not well-received by progressive commentator Brian Taylor Cohen on a recent segment with Piers Morgan:

Mr. Cohen then tried to attack Trump for his age, showing an image of him holding his hands with his son, which quickly blew up in his face. It got slapped with a Community Note on X, with many posting the full video. The ‘No Lie’ host was busted for lying. Not even CNN could save Mr. Cohen:

This is A clear misrepresentation of facts. President Trump stopped briefly to shake his son's hand, which is clear in the video that Brian edited.

Now, this is the type of misinformation and selective editing Democrats think is happening to Biden, but it’s not. You all know that. Joe is senile and will not be able to keep up in the campaign's final pushes. Prepare for a surrogate-heavy finale from the Democrats with a side of Ensure.