
Chuck Schumer's Father's Day Tweet Was So Cringey He Had to Delete It

Did anyone else notice what was wrong with Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) Father’s Day post? You'd be correct if you caught that the man doesn’t know how to grill, and how he was cooking the burgers would make Gordon Ramsay slap him upside the head with a spatula. There is nothing wrong with posting about Father’s Day. There is something very grotesque about being unable to cook a cheeseburger properly.

And apparently, plenty of people felt the same way because he was forced to delete it last night. Still, let's go through this tale of a Democrat who grills like a psychopath.

 Here's the post

Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! 

Father’s Day Heaven! 

Okay, so maybe I understand why Schumer’s grill skills are rusty. You don’t need to be a Michelin-star-trained chef to cook on the grill. It’s fast, easy, and fun. Tens of millions of Americans do it every year, triggering vegans, environmentalists, and other insufferable sects of liberal America in the process. Yet, in this case, someone should tell the Senate Majority Leader that you don’t put cheese on a raw burger. Yes, mockery ensued:

Our own Kevin McMahon summarized this fiasco perfectly: liberals lack the biological chops to grill properly. It’s science. 

And Schumer is hardly the first Democrat to get busted for trying to elicit folksy vibes. As our friend Joe Cunningham, who’s the senior editor of RedState, pointed out in 2021, former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe got busted for his Independence Day grill post, though not as bad a flub as North Carolina’s Cal Cunningham, who called hot dogs and hamburgers “BBQ.” The only points Cunningham gives Terry is for his American flag-themed t-shirt, even though it was probably never worn until the shooting of that video. And yes, it looks like the grill isn’t even turned on. No cheese on raw meat here, but still.