
New Video Montage Shows Why Most Americans Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President

Remember the days when Democrats and liberal commentators used to malign Fox News for being state-run media? How the tables have turned since 2016. Joe Biden no longer has COVID cover to avoid public events, so he must be out and about, and it’s not pretty.

Joe Biden has been talking about meeting with European leaders who’ve been dead for decades, staring into space, and wandering off. The recent G7 Summit in Italy was not Joe at his best. Of course, the liberal media said Biden was exceptional, dismissing the video clips as “cheap fakes.” At the same time, the Biden campaign even went so far as to say these images were misinformation. Across the pond, that narrative got blown up by the European media, who saw a mentally declining president. Tom Elliott compiled a three-minute clip of Joe Biden’s mental gaffes and how the press props him up. It’s no wonder why 86 percent of Americans feel Joe is too old to run for president again:

Sure, the media has run damning stories about Joe Biden’s health. In 2022, The New York Times penned a lengthy article about how the president has lost a step that keeps his staff busy. This piece hit before the midterms. The Wall Street Journal had an article about the declining mental capacity of the president. Everyone sees it except for the MSNBC crowd.

There is no way Democrats can keep defending Joe’s mental flubs as deep fakes or misinformation. If that’s the only pivot they can think of right now, they’re going to lose because it’s not just conservatives noticing the dementia Joe on the stump.