
‘Mind-Boggling’: Here's What Thieves Are Targeting in California

Thieves in California are stealing fire hydrants throughout Los Angeles County, leaving communities at risk if there’s an emergency. 

According to ABC 7, over 100 hydrants have been stolen this year alone. One resident, Krystal Cousins lives between two fire hydrants in the Florence-Firestone area. She told reporters that both of them were stolen on Thursday.

"It's mind-boggling that someone would just come into a neighborhood and just steal a fire hydrant," neighbor Krystail Cousins said. "You're now putting a whole neighborhood in danger."

"Having no fire hydrant on the street is a whole lawsuit right there if something were to go up in flames. People do fireworks all night over here. Just one ember would take us all out," she added.

"It's sad because they don't realize the damage that they're doing," another resident, Juan Vega, said.

In a statement, the Golden State Water Company said, "The theft rate is alarming and getting worse. GSWC is taking serious steps to mitigate the problem by installing locks and working with local fire and law enforcement authorities. GSWC has also written letters to local scrap yards reminding them that receiving stolen hydrants is a federal offense.”

CBS News reported that the California state water company recently installed the lock shields over the bolts on the hydrants. The company’s Southwest District general manager, Kate Nutting, said that the hydrants are made of iron and brass. She said that she believes they are being sold on the black market for scrap metal.

"Since the beginning of 2023, we've had over 300 hydrants stolen, and it's been ramping up in 2024," Nutting said.  

Each hydrant reportedly costs about $3,500 and the total cost of all the stolen hydrants has amounted to over $1.2 million loss.

"Why are you taking them? And then come to find out they're only getting about $100 off of them. So OK, you're making quick money but you're putting so many people in danger," Cousins said.