
Did Maxine Waters Have the Looniest Reaction to Trump's Verdict?

It's not a secret that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) can't stand former and potentially future President Donald Trump. It was almost six years ago now that she encouraged her supporters to harass people in his administration, and people haven't forgotten, especially as she doubled down on those remarks and then more recently lamented when people would dare to criticize her. On Thursday night, following the "guilty" verdict for Trump on all 34 counts, she reminded everyone with posts from her official X account how much she is out to get the former president.

Approximately one hour after the "guilty" verdict came back, Waters proclaimed "Hallelujah!!!" She also claimed she herself predicted such an outcome three years ago that porn star "Stormy Daniels would be the one to get Trump." Perhaps most backwards of all, though, is that Waters claimed "my faith in the criminal justice system has been strengthened!," as a result of the decision that is almost certainly going to be overturned on appeal.

Even Trump's critics, namely Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), have taken issue with the verdict. Both Collins' reaction and Maxine Waters are trending on X.  

Just two minutes later, though, Waters put yet another post, this time calling out Trump even more directly. 

Her post called for Trump to "just shut your mouth," multiple times, especially as he's been "convicted on all counts!" Trump is, however, entitled to an appeal and it's doubtful that he will "just shut [his] mouth."

Both of Waters' posts have received thousands of replies mocking her heavily. 

It's also worth noting that her pinned post is from several years ago and yet also goes after Trump. The March 16, 2017 post ties Trump, his family members, and past associates to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Waters was at least willing to put a name to her unhinged posts using multiple exclamation points. An Axios report from Thursday night about Democrats' reactions had the headline ""Justice!!!!!!": Democrats savor Trump guilty verdict."

The member of Congress who felt the need to use six exclamation points to make his or her point about how a rather warped sense of "justice" has supposedly done, couldn't be bothered to be named. 

The report mentioned reaction from multiple other Democratic lawmakers, in addition to House Majority PAC President Mike Smith. There's also a couple of other Republicans referenced, as well as the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).

This "one senior lawmaker" quoted as texting "Justice!!!!!!" was the only member not named. This person was described as being among the "[s]everal House Democrats who spoke to Axios reacted to the ruling with jubilation."