
How a Hollywood Actress Reacted to Bill Maher Slapping Down Her Talking Points on Israel

Bill Maher is a man alone on an island. He’s okay with that. The comedian probably still irritates conservatives, and rightfully so, as most of his commentaries have been directed at the Right. Yet, since 2016, the HBO host can’t abide by the whacko ‘woke’ leftist garbage that he views as antithetical to liberal values, especially when it comes to free speech. He’s also appalled by the Left’s embracing of Hamas and radical Islam. 

That’s something Maher’s leftist colleagues don’t seem to get despite every liberal academic hub this graduation season devolving into a ‘free Palestine,’ pro-terrorist scream fest, served with a healthy helping of vicious antisemitism. Actress Sandra Bernhard tried to peddle this ‘rise of antisemitism’ as a conservative thing on Maher’s podcast Club Random, and it didn’t go over well. For a minute, you’d think Maher was a conservative, but only for a second. As Bernhard kept getting corrected on everything related to the war in Gaza, she tried to pivot, joking that they should move on, but Maher wasn’t just going to let this slide under the rug:

It's another example of Maher not being afraid to take potshots at his side. And you can see how some of his friends are shocked at some of the positions he’s been taking. Bernhard looked stunned when Maher flatly told her she was wrong about everything. 

Even on social issues, like talking to kindergarteners about gender and clapping at youngsters tipping drag queens with inappropriate signage in the background—Maher is not about it. Yet, regarding Israel, he’s very much on our side. He might not like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but he does realize that the war in Gaza is Hamas’ fault; people die in battle, and this could all end if this genocidal terror group stopped attacking the Jewish state. These points are lost on pro-Hamas activists who have hilariously tried to play the victim card as Israeli forces have turned this region into a barrier reef. They had to—Hamas used its 17-year rule in Gaza to turn the strip into Jihad Central.