
Millions of Illegal Immigrants Rush to Border Before November Election

Illegal immigrants are rushing to the southern border before the November presidential election in hopes of entering the United States before another potential Trump win. 

Two illegal Colombian immigrants spoke to the New York Post, citing concerns about potential policy changes after the 2024 election. Ricardo and Sebastian illegally crossed the Arizona border fearing that former President Donald Trump would make entering the U.S. more difficult should he be elected. 

“We don’t want Trump,” they both declared. 

“We think with the elections, it will be harder,” Ricardo said. 

The illegal immigrant brothers were receiving help at the Yuma Regional Center for Border Health as they waited for a bus to arrive to take them to the Phoenix airport so that they could fly to New Jersey.

The Post noted that there were serval other illegal immigrants who had also crossed the southern border and were awaiting transportation to take them to various destinations in the U.S. 

If elected, Trump has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, promising to implement the “largest mass deportation effort” in U.S. history. 

Former acting director of ICE for the Trump Administration, Tom Homan said that the agency has “systems in place that are very good at identifying people.” 

He threatened those in the U.S. illegally, saying that the agency would find and “remove you.” 

Since President Joe Biden’s first day in office, the country has seen an exponential rise in illegal immigrant encounters due to his failed border policies. Border Patrol agents have apprehended more than 9,300,000 illegal aliens in less than four years. 

In addition, more than seven million undocumented immigrants have illegally entered the U.S., with many of them being heavily involved in theft rings and criminal networks. 

Trump’s campaign plans to deport nearly 20 million illegal immigrants, using local law enforcement, the National Guard, and the military to achieve this. 

NumbersUSA’s director of research Eric Ruark told the outlet that achieving his goal is “not an unreasonable estimate” because of the historic number of illegal immigrants entering the country under Biden.