
Watch Biden Lose the Battle With His Teleprompter Again

Townhall regrets to inform you that President Joe Biden on Wednesday once again lost the battle that is him trying to make it through public remarks without a gaffe, this time courtesy of his teleprompter scrolling prepared words before his tired eyes. 

Just after noon, Biden made an election pitch to attendees at North America’s Building Trades Union National Legislative Conference taking place at the Washington Hilton and wistfully imagined what he could do in a second term if re-elected in November. 

"Imagine what we could do next," Biden encouraged the audience."Four more years- pause," Biden continued, reading the White House equivalent of stage instructions that are supposed to remain unspoken. Watch:

Is this as serious an issue as Biden's weakness on the world stage, botched economic policy, or creation of a border crisis? Probably not. But it is another sign that he's not up to the job of holding the highest office in the land. His own aides have anonymously complained to mainstream outlets that their boss is impossible to schedule because his "prime time" hours for public addresses are so limited. 

The White House has tried — by limiting Q&A with reporters and pre-screening reporters' questions, building a phony White House set to have a permanently installed teleprompter for events, and giving him explicit instructions on how to behave and move at televised events — and failed to save Joe Biden from himself.