
Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire Proposal, Embarrassing Biden Again

Less than 24-hours after the United States broke away from longstanding policy towards Israel by failing to veto a ceasefire resolution at the United Nations -- one that didn't contain language condemning Hamas -- the Iranian backed terrorist organization has rejected the latest ceasefire and hostage negotiations out of Qatar. A potential deal would have included the release of 40 hostages from Hamas custody in exchange for 700 terrorists currently in Israeli prisons. Hamas has been rejecting ceasefire proposals for months. Five Americans are still being held hostage. 

The Biden administration's conduct at the UN Monday and demands the Israeli military stay out of Rafah, where 8,000 Hamas terrorists are hiding in the Gaza Strip, prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel planned meetings in Washington D.C. with officials this week. 

Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. and current Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer explained the situation Tuesday morning during an interview with Fox News. 

"You can't leave part of sheer evil in place," Dermer said. "You've gotta finish the job."

Meanwhile, back at the UN the Palestinian Authority is backing up their Hamas "brothers."