
Let's Circle Back to See What Keith Olbermann Is Doing After His SCOTUS Meltdown

If you have time and want to see what Keith Olbermann is up to on his Twitter account, don’t. You all have better things to do, but knowing the man, who admitted he was so angry at the Supreme Court that he was pissing through his eyes, my curiosity got the better of me. It was like entering the Seventh Circle of Hell. 

Olbermann, starved of attention, reached full froth in early March when the Supreme Court rejected Colorado’s arguments for removing Donald Trump from the state's 2024 primary ballot. It had nothing to do with January 6—the Court said states do not have the power to enforce Section III of the Constitution. That is under the purview of Congress. The reaction from the rest of the left could be summarized with these tweets.


The Supreme Court must be dissolved, which was Olbermann’s unhinged take. Hasan Piker, a left-wing commentator, said that “liberal women are f**king useless.” And then, there was the typical pack-the-court nonsense. All three reactions were totally unhinged.

Since then, Olbermann has been playing doctor, claiming that Trump is suffering from “fluent aphasia,” a video of himself that he’s reposted numerous times. Olbermann will likely never work on a major network again, so he’s been relegated to this—screaming into the void. But the man gets hate clicks. The point of peeking in every now and then on these folks is to see the progress of how one whose mind has been broken by Trump deals with his political resurgence in 2024.

What a show we got here: